If we can use AFL strategies to get students to monitor their own progress and to use feedback to guide their learning, then we have truly accomplished something. Here is an example of how that might be done. This specific example is for a French 2 class. However, it's really a vocabulary example and could be used in any classroom where vocabulary was being taught. Actually, it could probably be applied many more situations than just vocabulary.
Each student receives a Progress Check Sheet at the beginning of the unit of study. The Progress Check Sheet includes all the vocabulary they will be learning during the unit. At the end of EACH class period, the students assess how well they know the vocabulary. It is important that this be done EACH day. There should never be a day when students don't receive some sort of feedback that they can use to guide their learning. In the end, the Progress Check Sheet becomes a personalized study guide. It won't surprise me, though, if a lot of kids don't need to study the night before the test. Assessing themselves each day is almost guaranteed to increase learning such that cramming before the test will no longer be necessary.
Here's an example of what the Progress Check Sheet might look like:
Discuss with your group or think on your own how this activity relates to the The Heart of AFL. Share your thoughts and ideas as replies to this Forum Discussion.
tremendous amount of feedback for both students and teachers, shows gradual learning....retention vs memorization, addresses Blooms and various comprehension benchmarks.
It gives kids and teachers a clear focus for instruction.
Allows itself to be used across classes and subjects.
Removes pressure of knowing everything NOW.