Mark - Montgomery Co. School are doing anything with AFL, feel free to use this Ning if it will help. You guys could have discussions/blogs/videos/etc posted. Don't feel like this site has to only be used for Salem.
Welcome to Assessment FOR Learning. Thanks for joining!
Please take a moment to introduce yourself on the Introductions Forum.
Feel free to add any ideas, blog posts, forum discussions, or videos that you think would be helpful to people as they are considering AFL in their classroom/schools.
If you have ideas for content that should be added, feel free to let me know.
Please take a moment to introduce yourself on the Introductions Forum.
Feel free to add any ideas, blog posts, forum discussions, or videos that you think would be helpful to people as they are considering AFL in their classroom/schools.
If you have ideas for content that should be added, feel free to let me know.
Thanks again!