Despite the fact that our school has had AFL as its Professional Development focus for the past 4 years, there is still much that we can learn from one another about how best to use assessment to increase learning. To foster continuous learning and improvement, we will start many of our faculty meetings with an AFL-related discussion question. The results of our discussions will be posted on a Forum Discussion such as this so that our ideas can be archived and better shared with one another.
Question for 10/24/12
What is the non-graded assessment you most frequently use to make sure your students understood the day's content before they leave your classroom?
1. raising of hands for right answers
2. index card dipsticks that hit at major points of day - sometimes discuss; sometimes hand in
3. worksheet that covers material - not graded but used to assess
Exit pass. Blog.
We use a variety of assessments that differ according to our subjects taught. Our assessments range from simply asking questions, checking work off student computer screens, using white boards, non-verbal signals from students (thumbs up, thumbs down, raising sticks, etc.), heads down questioning, "Get it? Got it? Need it? boards" and surveying comfort levels. We don't always; however, wait until the end of class to assess our students, it is typically a continual process.
Reply for Tori, Stefanie, Dawn, Danyel, Susan G., and Paola
1. Exit slips with a self-rating.
2. Anonymous survey - asking students to answer questions with their eyes closed such as do you feel you understand this, could be good at this with more practice, etc.
3. Monitoring students as they are speaking about the topic covered in class.
4. Homework quizzes
Ask questions in class, mini activity to show understanding & check answers for understanding, practice skill and check by walking by student to check reply
Sheryl, Anna, Margie
Verbal question and answer, mini-quizzes, exit slips
(Allie, Cammie, Katie, Stoney, Paige)
Assign/check/go over practice problems similar to examples worked by teacher.
Asking students what questions they have about concepts/procedures covered. (Not just "are there any questions?")
Short drill type questions on vocab./notation.
Moody, Simpson, Jamison and Armistead
Whole class choral response.
Marker Boards.
Performance based assessment.
quick recap by asking a targeted set of questions to all students to check for understanding
(submitted by Ray Moore and Emily Herndon)
Ray uses a "How Did I Do" review sheet before taking a test. I sometimes have kids show me a 1 - 5 on their fingers or write it down on their paper (1=I'm lost, 5=I could ace the test).